Scientific Computing and Learning Lab
[Lab Homepage]
At scale lab, we believe in the scaling law of machine learning algorithm.
We aim to scale up AI application using scientific understanding.

Advertisement: I’m happy to hold (remote/in-person) visitors, my previous visitors are here. Please read For Prospective Students before emailing me. Attaching a slide/review that provides a high-level overview of potential directions for our work together is a bonus item!

Due to the large amount of emails, I may miss some of the emails. The best way to approach me is by filling out the form. If you want to do a summer intern, please remember to email me!

For Ph.D. Applicants I’m actively looking for Ph.D. students starting in Fall 2024. Although Ph.D. admissions to Northwestern IEMS are handled at a department-wide level, not by me individually, candidates with undergraduate backgrounds in applied mathematics/computational physics, computer science, or statistics are encouraged to contact me by email with the following documentation:

  • a current CV, which should include your previous research projects
  • Short answer to the questions in For Prospective Students
  • A slide/review that provides a high-level overview of potential directions for our work together, with an emphasis on areas of overlap between our interests. (theoretical/computational are both welcome)

I will dedicate 30 mins every week for junior PhD/master/undergraduate students, if you would like to chat about life, career plan, or research ideas related to AI/ML, feel free to email me to schedule a meeting. I encourage students from underrepresented groups to reach out and will prioritize these meetings. File the form.

Cooperating Undergraduate Students